We are online!
Updated: Jun 18, 2020
The WOTS Team is happy to announce the launch of Walk On The Tech Side website. :)
The idea we had in mind when we started designing and building our first ever website was to, of course, promote our business. WOTS was established in 2018 and we kind of felt it was time to increase our visibility.
But besides talking about about what we do, our main goal is to get you curious enough to click on the "Contact Us" page, tell us about your needs and give us the opportunity to answer all your questions, helping you make your organisation truly data-driven.
We also plan to enrich the "WOTS new?" section with quick and easy reads that can provide all site visitors with hints, first-hand information and useful materials (including app prototypes) to successfully digitise and automatise their businesses.
So have a seat, grab a cup of coffee or tea if you wish, and take a few minutes to visit our website. We hope you enjoy the WOTS web experience, and do not forget to share your impressions with us!
The WOTS Team
PS Many thanks to Francesco Mattiussi for the awesome animated GIF below ;)